
教你無縫整合 AI 技術到現有技術生態系統的實戰建議

缺乏統一的智慧層,工程師們在解決問題時往往會創造出比他們正在解決的問題更大的問題,即使他們使用像 GCP 或 Amazon SageMaker 這樣的超大規模計算平台 在這個網絡研討會中,我們將分享一些建議,以幫助您順暢地將 AI 整合到您現有的技術生態系統

教你無縫整合 AI 技術到現有技術生態系統的實戰建議


GenAI integration and infrastructure management are not for the faint of heart. Unruly data, disjointed tools, and getting solutions into production are enough to make any AI builder’s head spin

Without a unified intelligence layer, disjointed GenAI tooling can often lead to bigger headaches than the ones they’re solving — even if it’s hyperscales like GCP or Amazon SageMaker.

In this webinar, our GenAI Expert Data Scientists, Jake Snyder and Brent Hinks will share proven pieces of advice to help move from wrestling with infrastructure to focusing on building awesome GenAI applications.

You’ll learn:

  • How to quickly create a short-term, rudimentary GenAI model of your use-case for testing
  • Best practices for experimenting across various LLMs , prompting strategies and more
  • How to avoid tooling lock-in and maintain your autonomy of tooling choice What it really means to avoid Cloud vendor lock-in
  • How to think about LLMOps to keep your GenAI solutions up to date and running smoothly, and more!


Jake Snyder

Director, Internal Data Science, Generative AI

Brent Hinks

Lead Data Scientist, DataRobot